Simple Ideas For A More Relaxing Home



Do you sometimes feel that your home isn’t as relaxing as it could be? If so, then you should read on. I’ve put together some simple and affordable tips to get your living space up to scratch. They won’t take much time or money to complete, and in no time at all you’ll be sat back with a relaxing glass of wine, wondering what all the fuss was about. Let’s get your home shipshape and Bristol fashion.


Relaxation is as much a visual thing as it is anything else. Let’s face it, even if you have a comfortable sofa and lie back and close your eyes, you will still know the house will be a mess when you open them.

So, your first step is to tidy up and declutter every room in your house. The key to defeating clutter is to have a specific home for everything. Get some better storage solutions that fit in with the overall look of your home, and have somewhere to put all of your correspondence.

If you have things that you want to keep but don’t ever use, think about hiding them in your loft or keeping them in a storage facility. Take a look at Storage Medway to see what’s available, and find a similar company where you live. I would imagine this will take a day or so to clear, but the important part comes next.

You have to choose to be tidier – it won’t just happen by itself. If you can make this one simple lifestyle change, I guarantee you will be able to relax more in your home.

Make some space

If you feel like the walls are closing in on you, then it’s time to make some space. In fact, making more use of your space is the one thing that can turn a drab and busy-looking room into a peaceful haven.

Choose your accessories and furniture wisely, and space them out better. Give everything room to breathe and you will feel like you have room to breathe, too. If you have an unusually small living space, then you still have options.

Lighter colours will have less visual impact while a smaller sofa or comfortable chair will create more space around it. You don’t have to spend a fortune – you can pick up some incredible bargains at charity shops and flea markets.

Improve your lighting

Lighting is so important in any home, yet so few people tend to think about it. I guess it might have something to do with the complications that messing around with the electrics might cause.

However, the difference that your lighting can make to your home is incredible. It’s relatively cheap and can transform any room into a warm and enticing space. I love using layered lighting around the home. Also, dimmer switches are great for creating the perfect relaxing environment.

Lighting is also an excellent way of diverting the eye from areas you aren’t quite happy about. So, if you don’t have time to clear up properly before your dinner party guests arrive, it might just be the perfect disguise!

Three simple things, and great results. That’s the thing with decorating your home – sometimes the solutions are so simple they are staring you in the face. Make sure you check out the rest of my blog for some more great tips on home decor and design. Bye for now!